All that you need to know about Nidhi Company
As per the Companies Act, 2005, when a company is duly recognized then it is referred as Nidhi Company. In case of such companies, the transactions can be conducted with the members only. As far as borrowing and lending of money are concerned, it can be done with the members. The capital accumulated for a Nidhi …
Importance of a Private limited company
The “importance of Private Limited Company” in India can be shown in numerous ways. It is one of the most rampant types of business structure found in India. This corporate legal body is governed by the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies Incorporation Rules, 2014. The government made some crucial changes to Companies Incorporation …
Registrations required by start-ups in India
A startup can be defined as a legal body such as a contemporary, well-established business. Generally, these businesses are started by a single or by an assemblage of a few individuals. The main distinguishing feature of a start-up is that an original artifact or service is provided is not obtainable elsewhere Moreover, a start-up business sometimes invests in enhancing an already …