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Home / GST Rates & HSN Code / GST Rate & HSN Code for Ferro Alloys & Wastes - Chapter 72

GST Rate & HSN Code for Ferro Alloys & Wastes - Chapter 72

Published On: Aug. 14, 2018 By:
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GST Rates & HSN Codes on Ferro Alloys, Ferrous waste & scraps of Iron or Non Alloy Steels

Disclaimer: Rates and HSN/SAC code given above are updated time to time based on latest notification available. There may be variations due to GST Council’s latest updates. We are not responsible for any wrong information. Also, kindly check the “Effective from” date. If you need to check a rate before “Effective from”, please check on CBEC website. you can contact us for any query.

HSN Code Description Rate (%) Cess(%) Related Export / Import HSN Code
7201 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms 18 0 72011000, 72012000, 72015010, 72015090
7202 Ferro-alloys 18 0 72021100, 72021900, 72022100, 72022900, 72023000, 72024100, 72024900, 72025000, 72026000, 72027000, 72028000, 72029100, 72029200, 72029300, 72029911, 72029912, 72029913, 72029914, 72029915, 72029916, 72029921, 72029922, 72029931, 72029932, 72029990
7203 Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99.94%, in lumps, pellets or similar forms 18 0 72031000, 72039000
7204 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel 18 0 72041000, 72042110, 72042190, 72042910, 72042920, 72042990, 72043000, 72044100, 72044900, 72045000
7205 Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel 18 0 72051011, 72051012, 72051019, 72051021, 72051022, 72051029, 72051090, 72052100, 72052910, 72052990
7206 Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (excluding iron of heading 7203) 18 0 72061010, 72061020, 72061090, 72069011, 72069012, 72069019, 72069091, 72069092, 72069099
7207 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72071110, 72071120, 72071130, 72071190, 72071210, 72071220, 72071230, 72071290, 72071910, 72071920, 72071990, 72072010, 72072020, 72072030, 72072090
7208 All flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72081000, 72082510, 72082520, 72082530, 72082540, 72082590, 72082610, 72082620, 72082630, 72082640, 72082690, 72082710, 72082720, 72082730, 72082740, 72082790, 72083610, 72083620, 72083630, 72083640, 72083690, 72083710, 72083720, 72083730, 72083740, 72083790, 72083810, 72083820, 72083830, 72083840, 72083890, 72083910, 72083920, 72083930, 72083940, 72083990, 72084010, 72084020, 72084030, 72084040, 72084090, 72085110, 72085120, 72085130, 72085140, 72085190, 72085210, 72085220, 72085230, 72085240, 72085290, 72085310, 72085320, 72085330, 72085340, 72085390, 72085410, 72085420, 72085430, 72085440, 72085490, 72089000
7209 All flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72091510, 72091520, 72091530, 72091590, 72091610, 72091620, 72091630, 72091690, 72091710, 72091720, 72091730, 72091790, 72091810, 72091820, 72091830, 72091890, 72092510, 72092520, 72092530, 72092590, 72092610, 72092620, 72092630, 72092690, 72092710, 72092720, 72092730, 72092790, 72092810, 72092820, 72092830, 72092890, 72099000
7210 All flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72101110, 72101190, 72101210, 72101290, 72102000, 72103010, 72103090, 72104100, 72104900, 72105000, 72106100, 72106900, 72107000, 72109010, 72109090
7211 All flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72111300, 72111410, 72111420, 72111430, 72111440, 72111450, 72111460, 72111490, 72111910, 72111920, 72111930, 72111940, 72111950, 72111960, 72111990, 72112310, 72112320, 72112330, 72112340, 72112350, 72112390, 72112910, 72112920, 72112930, 72112940, 72112950, 72112960, 72112990, 72119011, 72119012, 72119013, 72119090
7212 All flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72121010, 72121090, 72122010, 72122090, 72123010, 72123090, 72124000, 72125010, 72125020, 72125090, 72126000
7213 All bars and rods, of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72131010, 72131090, 72132010, 72132020, 72132090, 72139110, 72139120, 72139190, 72139910, 72139920, 72139990
7214 All bars and rods, of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72141010, 72141090, 72142010, 72142090, 72143000, 72149110, 72149190, 72149910, 72149990
7215 All bars and rods, of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72151000, 72155010, 72155090, 72159010, 72159020, 72159090
7216 Angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72161000, 72162100, 72162200, 72163100, 72163200, 72163300, 72164000, 72165000, 72166100, 72166900, 72169100, 72169910, 72169920, 72169930, 72169940, 72169990
7217 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel 18 0 72171010, 72171020, 72171030, 72172010, 72172020, 72172030, 72173010, 72173020, 72173030, 72179011, 72179012, 72179013, 72179019, 72179091, 72179092, 72179093, 72179099
7218 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel 18 0 72181000, 72189100, 72189910, 72189990
7219 All flat-rolled products of stainless steel 18 0 72191111, 72191112, 72191190, 72191200, 72191300, 72191400, 72192111, 72192112, 72192121, 72192122, 72192131, 72192132, 72192141, 72192142, 72192190, 72192211, 72192212, 72192219, 72192291, 72192292, 72192299, 72192310, 72192320, 72192390, 72192411, 72192412, 72192413, 72192419, 72192421, 72192422, 72192423, 72192429, 72192490, 72193111, 72193112, 72193121, 72193122, 72193190, 72193210, 72193220, 72193290, 72193310, 72193320, 72193390, 72193410, 72193420, 72193490, 72193510, 72193520, 72193590, 72199011, 72199012, 72199013, 72199090
7220 All flat-rolled products of stainless steel 18 0 72201110, 72201121, 72201122, 72201129, 72201190, 72201210, 72201221, 72201222, 72201229, 72201290, 72202010, 72202021, 72202022, 72202029, 72202090, 72209010, 72209021, 72209022, 72209029, 72209090
7221 All bars and rods, of stainless steel 18 0 72210011, 72210012, 72210019, 72210090
7222 All bars and rods, of stainless steel 18 0 72221111, 72221112, 72221119, 72221191, 72221192, 72221199, 72221911, 72221912, 72221919, 72221991, 72221992, 72221999, 72222011, 72222012, 72222019, 72222091, 72222092, 72222099, 72223011, 72223012, 72223019, 72223091, 72223092, 72223099, 72224010, 72224020
7223 Wire of stainless steel 18 0 72230010, 72230091, 72230092, 72230099
7224 Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of other alloy steel 18 0 72241000, 72249010, 72249020, 72249030, 72249040, 72249091, 72249099
7225 All flat-rolled products of other alloy steel 18 0 72251100, 72251900, 72253010, 72253090, 72254011, 72254012, 72254013, 72254019, 72254020, 72254030, 72255010, 72255020, 72255030, 72259100, 72259200, 72259900
7226 All flat-rolled products of other alloy steel 18 0 72261100, 72261900, 72262011, 72262012, 72262021, 72262022, 72262030, 72269110, 72269120, 72269130, 72269190, 72269210, 72269220, 72269230, 72269910, 72269920, 72269930, 72269940, 72269951, 72269952, 72269953, 72269960, 72269990
7227 All bars and rods of other alloy steel. 18 0 72271000, 72272000, 72279010, 72279020, 72279030, 72279040, 72279050, 72279060, 72279090
7228 All bars and rods of other alloy steel. 18 0 72281010, 72281090, 72282000, 72283011, 72283019, 72283021, 72283022, 72283023, 72283024, 72283029, 72284000, 72285010, 72285090, 72286011, 72286012, 72286091, 72286092, 72286093, 72286094, 72286099, 72287011, 72287012, 72287021, 72287022, 72288010, 72288020, 72288090
7229 Wire of other alloy steel 18 0 72292000, 72299011, 72299012, 72299013, 72299014, 72299015, 72299016, 72299021, 72299022, 72299023, 72299031, 72299032, 72299033, 72299034, 72299040, 72299051, 72299052, 72299053, 72299054, 72299059, 72299060, 72299070, 72299090

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